Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Give and it will be Given to You"

In this uncertain financial time period we have some really great promises from our never-failing God to literally bank on.  Instead of hording your money and sitting in a dark corner until the economy gets better, Jesus says, "Give".  He says, "Don't worry about tomorrow" and that if He cares for the lilies of the field and for the little sparrows that are worth a few cents, surely He will care for you!  He even knows the number of hairs on your head - and cares for each one!  How will you then worry, you of little faith!  ((My paraphrase:  "Stand up boldly Christians for Christ's Name!"))

During tough financial times, we as Christians have huge opportunities to show the truth of Christ's words.  By continuing to give boldly and spend with confidence to further Christ's kingdom, we can be sure that our storehouse will not run dry.  (This is also, by the way, one of the keys to pulling the economy back into shape!)  In Malachi, God urges His people - "Test me in this!"  Test God that he always provides for the work that He calls us to.  He is the God who owns a thousand cows on a thousand hills and holds all the stars that he spoke into existence in the palm of His hand.  Surely, through difficult times we are given opportunities to show that we believe such things.

"Give and it will be given to you:  good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom."  - Luke 6:38

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