Friday, January 09, 2009

I Love Jesus Christ

"Jesus Christ".  It was 1997 and my friend had suddenly spoken up in his college class with these two words, not in a cursing tone but in a reasoning one.  It was almost as if a gun had gone off.  You could hear a pencil drop.  Everyone knew that those two words were weighty, that they divide, and that whatever words would follow would carry a deep and powerful message for good or ill.

A couple weeks ago I was contemplating whether or not I should keep the words, "Jesus Christ" at the top of my blog.  I decided that I do not care what other people think.  I love Jesus Christ more than anything or anyone.  (Yes, even more than my precious wife and kids.)

These words by John Piper also encouraged me to stay the course: at the beginning of 2009, I [say], “I love Jesus Christ.” And as I say it, I want to make clear what I mean:
  • I admire Jesus Christ more than any other human or angelic being.
  • I enjoy his ways and his words more than I enjoy the ways and words of anyone else.
  • I want his approval more than I want the approval of anyone else.
  • I want to be with him more than I want to be with anyone else.
  • I feel more grateful to him for what he has done for me than I do to anyone else.
  • I trust his words more fully than I trust what anyone else says.
  • I am more glad in his exaltation than in the exaltation of anyone else, including me.

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